In this video, Diva Sandberg highlights three messages for women who want to stand out and excel in their professions. She also gives great advice for women who want to stay in the workforce, even after starting a family. The three messages are:
Message #1- Sit at the Table (Because men are reaching for opportunities in the work place more than women.)
Message #2- Make Your Partner a Real Partner (You and your partner and/or spouse should share equal responsibilities.)
Message #3 - Don't Leave Before You Leave (Pregnant women should not "leave" the work place mentally, before actual maternity leave.)
I don't want to steal Diva Sandberg's thunder, so please take a few minutes to listen to her speech. It's about 15 minutes long, but it is so very insightful for women in business. I promise you it is NOT a waste of your time! Enjoy!
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