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The Best Skin Care Tips Ever! So I've Been Told!

Greetings Divas! In business, one's appearance is key. It is important to always put your best face forward when networking, meeting with current or potential clients, or making presentations. As such, it is important to take care of your skin and make sure that your outward appearance is not a distraction from your talent. Over the years, I have learned of many different ways to care for my skin with the hope of maintaining a healthy, youthful appearance. In the spirit of sharing (as always!), I have compiled a list of the best skin care tips that I've gathered from my fellow Professional Divas. Check them out and be sure to add any additional tips in the comments section.

Remove Your Makeup Before Bed - I must confess, I have not been a girl scout when it comes to removing my makeup before bed. I have woken up plenty of mornings with makeup on my pillows after making the conscious decision to not wash my face the evening before. As I get older, however, I realize that my laziness is unacceptable...especially when my skin is at stake. So what have I done to improve my habits? I began purchasing makeup remover cleaning wipes. It's a quick and easy way to remove my makeup before bed when I'm feeling too lazy to do a traditional wash.

Moisturize - I am far from a dermatologist, but I know how itchy and tight my skin feels after showering. I find that the best way to combat this feeling is to moisturize. I usually go for a fragrance-free, lightweight moisturizer with SPF....which leads right into my next tip...

Use SPF...Every Day - SPF is not just for when the sun is hot. In fact, the best dermatologists recommend that women, and men, wear SPF year-round to protect against a variety of skin problems, including wrinkles and certain skin cancers. My daily moisturizer has an SPF of 15, which helps to protect my skin throughout the year.

Reduce Stress - We've discussed this before, haven't we? Stress can be a contributing factor for a variety of different health ailments, including skin issues. While stress can be a regular part of a Professional Diva's life, finding ways to reduce and/or eliminate stress can be beneficial to your health...and your skin. Looking for some stress-reducing tips? Check out my past posts: Stress and the Professional Woman, and 6 Easy Ways to Eliminate Stress That You Probably Haven't Thought Of.

Drink Lots of Water - As human being, our bodies are composed primarily of water. Drinking an adequate amount of water helps to keep us hydrated, which in turn can help keep our skin moisturized by hydrating skin cells. In other words, drink lots of water for better-looking and better-feeling skin.

Eat Well - I've always been told that what you put inside of your body will inevitably show up on the outside. In other words, our diets can dictate what pops up on skin. Simply put, eating healthy food (including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) can help ensure that your skin looks healthy and vibrant.

Keep Your Makeup Fresh - This is something that I have discussed on the Chronicles on several occasions. Outdated and dirty makeup can have devastating effects on your skin. As such, I like to take an inventory of the items in my makeup bag and purge those products that have expired. The most important thing is to know the shelf life of your favorite items. Check out my post, Fall Makeup Inventory, to learn more.

Have a great week!



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