Nude Pumps
My name is The Pro Diva, and I have a shoe fetish…..there I said it! The jig is up! I love shoes…all kinds of shoes. Sling backs, wedges, sandals, boots, booties…I love them all! I think I may have a problem (just kidding).
Like many Professional Divas, I have a variety of different styles of shoes that I like to wear in the workplace. Usually high heels; sometimes a little funky to jazz up a traditional suit; many different colors and styles. It is well settled that black, brown, and navy blue pumps are the “go-to” shoes for many professional women. But is there room in Corporate America for a new “go-to” shoe? I think there is! The nude pump has become increasingly popular amongst professional women; mainly because it harmonizes so well with traditional and modern business wear. You can find nude pumps in so many different shapes, styles, and colors that it is almost impossible not to discover one that suits you. And I am absolutely positive that you have several outfits in your closet that can benefit from the fabulousness that is a nude pump.
If you have not already done so, do yourself a favor and invest in a great pair of nude pumps (or two). They are elegant, chic, and stylish…which coincidentally are just a few of the qualities that define a Professional Diva. Now go!

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